Are We Fixing the Problem?
How many medications are you taking? Do you need all of them? If there was a way to fix a medical issue without medication, would you be...

7 Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Your Kids Will Love
It’s that time of year again – summer break is reaching out to hand off the relay baton to a new school year. Snacks tend to be the last...

Nutritional Supplements: Friends or Foes?
Did you know that only 13% of Americans get enough fruits each day? How about that only 8% of us get enough vegetables on a daily basis?!...

3 Tips to Eating Smarter
I was eating a salad the other day with some fresh veggies from our local farmer’s market. Someone stopped and asked, “Are you on a...

Four Big Areas That Affect Your Health
My dad had a triple bypass when I was a first-year medical student, or M1 as we call it. I remember the months leading up to the day. ...